The Transmigration of ULTRA-lad! Best Webcomic of 2008!

[singlepic id=422 w=500 h= rel="lightbox" float="center"]My Act-i-vate webcomic, The Transmigration of ULTRA-lad! has just been dealt a significant honor by being named Comic Critique's Best Webcomic of 2008! Thank you so much, Adam McGovern and thank you Comic Critique! This is not something I expected seeing how this project is still very young but it's a welcome affirmation of my hard work.

Here's what Adam has to say,

2008 Eisner nominee Infurnari is standing at a celestial height from which the award’s namesake, the architects of early MAD, C.C. Beck, Chris Ware and Honoré Daumier can be seen clearly and their unlikely connections traced. ULTRA-Lad is faux-antiqued on simulated decomposing yellow paper in the most elegant of high-tech media, but “retro” doesn’t begin to describe this multi-directional ricochet from print-pop prehistory to the horizons of storytelling and up and down through the many layers of what it could be and never was. This is happy-warrior hero fiction better than what you remember, and dark Manichean meta-adventure with more indomitable charm than anyone else has realized is possible. Infurnari weaves a hallucinatory spell and enfolds the reader in immersive atmospheres with the lushest of stark ink and the most sparing of edible color. ULTRA-Lad is stream-of-consciousness storytelling from deep fairytale forests and the basements of mad geniuses far below utopian skyscraper kingdoms that never came. It seems random because the ideas fire so fast and assuredly that there’s no time for the artist to need overthinking or the reader to second-guess the cortical level at which the agile wordplay, dizzying humor, turbulent emotional shadings and acrobatic line enter present consciousness and comic history. It’s coming through to our continuum one page a week, completely free and pricelessly promising.

Thanks, everybody! I sincerely appreciate your loyalty, support and readership.

Best Artist!? I'll Take It!

Page 27 Well, the votes are in and the tally has been taken and Webcomicgeek's best webcomic of the year goes to…Dresden Codak! Congratulations and continued success to Aaron Diaz! I was honored with the award for best artist of 2007 and I am absolutely tickled purple (tinged with shades of green, of course)! Here it is from the horse's mouth:

Best Artist goes to Joe Infurnari for The Process. His art is truly spectacular and seems to go from strength to strength as the project develops. I don’t think I can add anymore to what I’ve said previously in my rather gushing review. However, it was the spectacular image on page 14 of chapter 2 that clinched it. The idea behind this comic nearly clinched a second award and along with Rebecca Sugar’s Pug Davis, made judging the originality and invention award really difficult.

This goes a long way to numbing the pain and bring sensations to the numbness! Thanks, Webcomicgeek! See you next year!

the Process: Comic Critique Webcomic of the Year!

Adam McGovern of Comic Critique has this to say in his "Extended Flashback: 2007 in Review":

Best Webcomic: the Process by Joe Infurnari From the magic-mirror landing page to the meaningful creative-process background notes to writer/artist Infurnari’s fluid, free-associative storytelling, this is everything that inventive online art and mind-opening comics are meant to be.

Wow! What a nice surprise and a real honor. It's very nice to have my work validated yet again. Thanks Adam and thank you Comic Critique! I have to go and put a salve on my swollen head!

the Process Nominated for Webcomic of the Year!

Those fine folks over at Webcomicgeek, have nominated the Process for the Geekie award for best webcomic of 2007! It is an incredible honor to be included alongside such esteemed comics as The Perry Bible Fellowship. I am practically beside myself over it! It's so nice to have this project validated in this way. Let's face it, I'm toiling away here trying to purge my soul of this leviathan of a story with only the occasional comment, donation or T-shirt sale as my reward. It certainly is a labor powered solely by love, obsession and dedication. Any recognition by you, the reader, or a nomination such as this makes it that much better. So thank you, Webcomicgeek, and thanks to all of my faithful readers. Oh, and I can't forget the Academy…and God…and Mom…and Dad…and ah, you're all the best.