A Happy Valentine's Day from Webcomics.com!

Page 1 of 'the Process'As thorough readers of this blog already know, I'm in a bit of a pinch. This pinched nerve in my neck is sending me a constant fireworks display of pain down my arm only interrupted with periods of numbness. It's not a pleasant experience and one of the hardest things about it is how it has prevented me from doing any work. But all's not misery and woe! Webcomics.com has honored the Process as it's featured webcomic today! What a nice Valentine's Day this is! Here's what they had to say:

Webcomicgeek calls Joe Infurnari the best webcomics artist of 2007. His comic is a celebration of the creative process like no other, bursting and swarming with arresting visions.

Thank you kindly, Webcomics.com! This goes a long way…

Best Artist!? I'll Take It!

Page 27 Well, the votes are in and the tally has been taken and Webcomicgeek's best webcomic of the year goes to…Dresden Codak! Congratulations and continued success to Aaron Diaz! I was honored with the award for best artist of 2007 and I am absolutely tickled purple (tinged with shades of green, of course)! Here it is from the horse's mouth:

Best Artist goes to Joe Infurnari for The Process. His art is truly spectacular and seems to go from strength to strength as the project develops. I don’t think I can add anymore to what I’ve said previously in my rather gushing review. However, it was the spectacular image on page 14 of chapter 2 that clinched it. The idea behind this comic nearly clinched a second award and along with Rebecca Sugar’s Pug Davis, made judging the originality and invention award really difficult.

This goes a long way to numbing the pain and bring sensations to the numbness! Thanks, Webcomicgeek! See you next year!