Earth 2100's Comics Crew on Mtv Splash Page!

Mtv's comics related blog, Splash Page, has posted about Earth 2100's comics cred. Here's an excerpt.

Earth 2100

The centerpiece of the special, titled “Earth 2100,” will take the form of a first-person, fictional narrative by a 91-year-old woman born on June 2, 2009. While the special is peppered with scientist interviews, simulations and user-created videos about the potential effects of climate change, the bulk of the two-hour program will involve the narrator’s account of life in the year 2100, told using animated “graphic novel elements.”

Among the creators who contributed these comics-style elements are several members of Act-I-Vate, the prominent New York City-based webcomic collective, including Josh Neufeld (”A.D.: New orleans After The Deluge”) and Joe Infurnari (”Jersey Gods,” “The Process”).

Read the rest of Rick Marshall's piece, Comic Creators Play Big Role In Tonight’s ‘Earth 2100’ Special, at Mtv Splash Page!