Joe Infurnari

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Occupy Comics: Homestead

Last year's Baltimore Comicon is memorable for me for many reasons. One of them being it was when I first met Josh Fialkov (I, Vampire, Elk's Run, Echoes, Tumor). Now, only a few months later, we've been able to put together this little six page story for Occupy Comics. Homestead (the first page can be seen above) tells the story of Russian immigrant and steelworker, Stanislaus who participates in the now historic Homestead, PA strike of 1892. This story is now available in comic shops in Occupy Comics #1. I'm happy to report it's the first story in a book full of exemplary and important comics work. Please consider supporting this project as I believe Black Mask Studios' progressive output deserves an audience.

Bleeding Cool's Rich Johnston had this to say about Occupy Comics #1:

There’s an energy to it, a life to it, it doesn’t feel like you just bought a missive from a zealot or a manifesto from a mercenary. It feels real and it feels hopeful, it allows you to feel and it doesn’t do your thinking for you. It’s a comic unlike any other comic you’ll find in the shop, for now…

Thanks so much for reading.

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