Joe Infurnari

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Time F#©ker

Here's the complete first chapter of the project most likely to sink my already floundering career. If this story were a chimichanga (and who doesn't consider their work in terms of Mexican cuisine) it would have to be a heaping dollop of WRONG, wrapped and deep-fried in WRONG, and served in a dirty  bed pan with melted Fromunda cheese. Sorry, the guac is extra. This comic was first featured at Trip City. It's your best destination for free quality music, videos, prose, comics and podcasts.

Please consider sharing this content. If it gave you a chuckle or a little throw up in your mouth, please spread the love using your favorite social network. A project like this doesn't have the money men knocking down my door so if you want to see more free Time F#©ker adventures, your participation is the best kind of encouragement!

For all things Time F#©ker, please visit the official site.
